Photos by Joni RentzIf you’re going to make only one farm stand stop on the North Fork make this the one. Sang Lee has over 100 acres of certified-organic goodness, producing over one hundred varieties of vegetables and herbs. And along with all of their great produce, famous heirloom tomatoes and delicious prepared food products they’re hosting a great variety of events throughout the summer as well, all focused on educating us on the importance of good food and good fitness. 1. For starters, there’s Yoga on the Farm, surrounding you with the sounds, smells and sights of the great outdoors every Thursday and Saturday morning. 2. Join, Tour Talk Taste with Karen Lee where you’ll get to tour the farm and greenhouses, learn the history of the farm and get some insider tips on how to grow your own herbs, vegetable and flowers. You later get to sample some of the latest creations coming out of the Sang Lee kitchen. 3. For all of you wanna be farmers you can volunteer at Sang Lee to help bring in the crops of snap peas, strawberries, raspberries and more, Wednesday afternoons now through the end of July. 4. Join the Tasting Club Featuring Fabulous Farm Fresh Food & Wine Pairing in late June and July. Reservations are required so check out their website for dates and times and to sign up for all of their events.