PHOTO BY DAVID KORCHINWhy not plan your city getaway according to the stars. This spring and summer we're due some rather strong meteor showers, according to the Custer Institute, located here on the North Fork. The first of which are the Lyrids between April 15 to the 28th with its peak being on April 22. Here's a list so plan accordingly.
Lyrids | April 15-28 | Peak April 22
Eta Aquarids | April 19-May 28 | Peak May 6
Arietids | May 22-July2 | Peak June 7
South Delta Aquarids | July 12-August 19 | Peak August 28
Perseids | July 17-August 24 | Peak August 12
Orionids | October 2-November 21 | Peak October 21